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New Landlord Law in Seattle

As rents rise and it has become increasingly hard for renters to find affordable housing. This is especially true for those who have some sort of crime on their record. This conversation has been the foundation of the new rules passed last month, 8/14, by the Seattle City Council, in an 8-0 vote.

The new rules will no longer allow landlords to check a potential renters criminal history aka perform a background check. The mentality behind the law was summarized well by City Council President Bruce Harrell, “They’ve paid their debt, that is the bottom line.” The supporters of the rules state that it is giving those who have paid their debts to get a second chance at a better life rather than sending them back on the streets and homeless. Those against the law argue that it puts other residents at risk and create more risk for landlords.

The new legislation will likely be put into effect in February 2018.

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